Saturday, December 29, 2007

#8: Our first test...

When taking a test, I usually know before hand what results I can expect. If I study and know the information well, I will probably be pleased. And if I don't, well you know.

This time it was different. I took the test and waited.... I began to notice something forming in the space where I was supposed to be watching for the result. Was it a line? Hmmm... I turned around and closed my eyes. This was no time to allow my mind and eyes to play tricks on me. I waited for the timer to go off - the full three minutes. There was no room in my heart for error, especially if the line were to appear, changing my life forever. The timer beeped, I turned around and it was there. This beautiful light pink line. My breath caught in my throat and my eyes filled with tears. I heard the door, someone was coming in and I couldn't say a thing. I would wait patiently until I had the chance to talk to my sweet husband. My heart beat even faster at the thought of telling him. Everything in me was anticipating his response in the moment that I would tell him that he is a father and that our precious baby was growing inside of me. So I carefully folded the test in a paper towel and put it in my purse. I took it out about every 15 minutes or so (when no one was looking) and new tears would come. I had to wait more than six hours before I had the opportunity to tell my love. He stopped whatever it was that he was doing and came to me. Those tears had found their way to his eyes as well. And on his face was a smile that I will never forget. It looked similar to the one he wore on our wedding day, but it was different, maybe heavier (if that is possible). He held me and we talked to our Father.

That was the day and our little story. That was just before Thanksgiving. I am a little over eight weeks pregnant now. It almost feels like it should be more since we found out so early (approximately nine days after conception). I feel nauseous every day for most of the day now but have only spent one day vomiting. Each day brings something new and we are learning and hopefully growing. God is so good. This year I have been given so many gifts.

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